

» Highlighted research

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The Colloquia are held in a "hybrid mode": both in the lecture hall and online or online only (speaker's decision).
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Forthcoming seminars

Wednesday Colloquium 08.01.2025

Iftikhar Ahmad

Investigating backgrounds in dark matter searches: Argon-37 activation and cosmogenic neutron suppression in the DarkSide

Stanisław Bajtlik

Królestwo galaktyk
Journal Club
No forthcoming seminars.

» Announcements

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(The announcements in Polish are of local interest only)

» Our recent papers on arXiv

arXiv:2501.01495[pdf, other]
arXiv:2501.00806[pdf, other]
Testing the extended corona model with the optical/UV reverberation mapping of the accretion disk
Comments:9 pages, 9 figures
arXiv:2501.01777[pdf, other]
Non-evolutionary effects on period change in Magellanic Cepheids
Comments:7 pages, 4 figures
arXiv:2501.00373[pdf, other]
Circumstellar emission of Cepheids across the instability strip: Mid-infrared observations with VLTI/MATISSE
Comments:22 pages, 17 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics
arXiv:2412.18867[pdf, other]